School Uniform

At Fair Furlong we believe that wearing uniform is an important part of being a member of our community.  It helps us show that we all belong together and that we are dressed ready to learn.  It is also about preparing children for the future when there will be expectations about what is suitable to wear and how we present ourselves professionally.  Therefore as part of choosing to send your child to Fair Furlong we expect your support of our dress code.  In the event that a child is seen not to be adhering to the dress code there are a number of possible consequences, although each case and its surrounding circumstances will be considered on an individual basis –

  • the school keeps a supply of spare uniform including sports uniform and your child will be given suitable items of kit to borrow for the day;
  • In the case of repeated incidents regarding clothing or with another aspect of the code such as an unsuitable hair cut the classteacher or a senior leader will contact the family to ensure they understand the expectations but also to explore any surrounding issues;
  • The governors will reserve the right to support the headteacher in excluding a child from the opportunity to represent the school or appear at a public event with the school such as an educational visit or enrichment activity if they are not following the school dress code set out in this section.

We have the following school uniform available for parents to purchase from the school office:

  • Sweatshirts - £9.35
  • Cardigans - £10.45
  • PE shorts - £3.00
  • PE T-shirt - £3.50
  • PE bag - £3.50
  • Book bag - £6.00
  • School fleece - £12.00

If parents and carers are unable to provide school uniform for their children they are asked to dress children in a plain sweatshirt in the correct colour – YN, YR and KS1 children wear red sweatshirts and KS2 black sweatshirts.  Hooded sweatshirts are not permitted.  All children should wear plain white polo shirts and black or grey trousers, shorts or skirts (no denim allowed).  In the summer children may choose to wear red gingham skirts, shorts or dresses.

Children may wear shoes or trainers. Parents should make sure these are practical for the classroom and play ground so e.g. high heels or flip flops would not be appropriate.

If children choose to wear tights they should be plain and in school colours.

For swimming we ask that parents provide a swimming costume for girls (not bikinis) and above the knee swimming trunks for boys together with a towel.





Pre-loved Uniform
If you would like to donate your child's unwanted/outgrown uniform, coats and swimming kits please bring them to the school office.
The Family Link Team has a selection of pre-loved uniforms available to all families at no cost. Please contact them to request any of these items for your child(ren). 

Arbor Parent Portal

At Fair Furlong we use a system called Arbor that allows parents and carers to pay for school dinners & trips, book Breakfast and After School clubs, make parent evening bookings and order uniform.

It also allows you to see your child’s current attendance, review your parental consents, update your contact details and much more. 

When your child starts with Fair Furlong - you will receive instructions and a login link for you to set this up.

If you've already set up your account - why not download the app or access your portal online here: