Home Learning
Supporting your child at home with their learning is a vital part of their education and your support can help them to make good or better progress. Our Home Learning will be delivered through the google classroom platform. Please click the year group link on the right to access the appropriate class.
Our expectations for home learning are -
Home Learning at Fair Furlong will contribute to our overall aim of raising pupil achievement and attainment by:
- Involving parents and carers as partners in their children’s learning
- Developing the ability of children to extend their learning outside of school and at times to develop their ability to work independently or collaboratively.
- Supporting children to revise and consolidate their previous learning and key skills
- Preparing our older learners for the demands of secondary school
Home Learning will:
- Be appropriate to the particular age and ability of the children.
- The level of work will not over stretch but should be accessible to the children with minimal support from parents or carers.
- Almost always relate to recent class work or contribute to preparation for forthcoming areas of study.
- Comprise of activities that in the main allow for practice and consolidation of previous learning.
- Contain sufficient simple and clear instructions for a parent to understand what the expectations and outcomes are.
- Be linked to our reward systems. Teachers will keep records on children returning Home Learning and reward them. Children who rarely return work will be encouraged to do so; this may require a phone call or an email home.
- In most cases, where possible, be given and returned on set days of the week to help parents/carers and children to establish a routine (set on Thursdays and collected in on the following Tuesday).
- Aim to be simple for teachers to organise, process and mark.
Agreed expectations
- Children and their families will periodically receive simple tasks or projects to complete at home and return to school. This helps develop links with home and supports our rationale.
- Reading books will be sent home when appropriate for individual children.
- Introduced from Term 3 are weekly sounds to learn, provided in tins.
- Reading at least four times a week.
- Maths packs sent home and games updated termly.
- Weekly words to learn to read / spell provided in tins.
- Occasionally children may also receive maths and topic related tasks.
Y1, 2 and 3
- Reading at least four times a week.
- Key words to learn to read / spell related to spelling badges provided termly in Home Learning folders.
- Bronze/Silver/Gold maths task sheets related to recent learning or an appropriate online task detailed in Home Learning folders.
- When on an appropriate maths badge, badge practice sheets available for children to add to Home Learning folders.
- Occasionally children may also receive topic related tasks.
Y4, 5 and 6
- Reading at least four times a week.
- Weekly spellings sent home termly in folders.
- Bronze/Silver/Gold maths task sheets related to recent learning or an appropriate online task detailed in Home Learning folders.
- When on an appropriate maths badge, badge practice sheets available for children to add to Home Learning folders.
- In Year 6 a literacy or topic related task every 2 weeks either written or online.
In addition to the above home, we often find ICT motivating and enjoyable for the children and is an aid to their learning. The following websites have been recommended by our staff as they link well to our school curriculum and learning strategies. Try working with your child on some of the websites below to enhance their learning.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk - Username – fairfurlong Password - fairfurlong
https://www.purplemash.com/login/ (login provided by school)
https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student (login provided by school)
https://play.numbots.com/#/intro (login provided by school)
www.sats-papers.co.uk/sats-papers-ks2-php (free sats papers to practice at home)
www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/world_war2/ (Learn about World War 2)
www.ictgames.com (Games to help with your maths)
www.cciproject.org (challenge club)
www.unicef.org.uk (Learn about rights)
Joe Wicks Youtube Channel
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xE3CppbVeA
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUp2_VAHIrI
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLHA5g-82vY