Healthy Living

At Fair Furlong our aim is to care for and develop the whole child educationally, emotionally, morally and physically. As well as caring for their education we also care for their mental health and wellbeing and feel that it is essential to provide children with information to enable them to make life long, well informed decisions about their diet and health. 

We recognise the connection between a pupil’s ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school - well nourished pupils are more receptive to teaching and will learn better. Healthy eating habits learnt during childhood are usually continued throughout life and these healthy behaviours can help reduce the risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes iron deficiency, heart disease and some cancers. It is important that they have every opportunity to access healthy food and to learn in an environment that supports healthy eating.

Here at Fair Furlong, we extremely value the impact physical activity can have on leading a healthy life. Super Movers for Everybody emanates our belief that all physical activity should not only be at the heart of our communities’ lives but also being wholly inclusive to all.

As the end of the year begins to draw to an end, keep an eye out for what is to come in the lead up the Paris Olympics 2024 and keeping our children active. Including out Road to Paris workshops and inclusive sports in Multi Sports After School Club.

In the meantime, please watch a short video on Super Movers for Everybody and follow the link below for activities you could do at home.