French Objectives

Fair Furlong MFL Progression Map




(Constant thread in lessons and across the school day)

Word Level

Sentence Level

Speaking, Listening, Reading, writing expectations




Classroom Language

(Teacher to use)

Year 3


Level 1




 Au revoir!





My name is….

Je m’appelle….


How are you?

 Ca va?


Fine: ca va bien

Not so good: ca va mal

I’m so so: Comme ci comme ca


Nouns: Recognise and write a range of nouns for each topic.


Articles:  Recognise and use the articles un/une   for ‘a’ and will become aware of which is masculine or feminine.

It is:

C’est un chat

It is a cat.


I have:

J’ai un chat

 I have a cat.

Main focus on speaking and on pronunciation – explore this as we explore phonics eg common pronunciation for sounds and exceptions.


Children need to learn the correct phoneme/grapheme correspondences.


A little time  will be spent on reading and writing.


oi – wah

eg poisson, trois

Listen please.

Ecoutez s’il vous plait


Look please.

Regardez s’il vous plait.


Repeat please:

Repetez s’il vous plait.




It’s good!

C’est bien!


Year 4


Level 2




A bientot!


I am……….years old  J’ai…ans


Numbers 1-20


How are you? Ca va?


I’m hungry.

J’ai faim.

I’m thirsty.

J’ai soif.


Adjectives:  Use a range of adjectives to describe nouns. 

M ake the adjectives agree with the gender eg grand (masculine) and grande (feminine) 


Position an adjective correctly in a sentence.

Nouns:  Recognise and use plural nouns


Punctuation: Recognise and use capital letters and full stops.





Simple structure + noun  + adjective (using simple sentence structures learnt in Year 3)


It is a black cat

C’est un chat noir.


I have a black cat

 J’ai un chat noir.


He has

 Il a

She has

Elle a


I like ..



I don’t like

Je n’aime pas….

Continue incidental teaching of pronounciation and correct any mispronounciations.


Greater emphasis on speaking in sentences.


Gradual increase on time spent on reading and writing.


Writing to be more sentence based.










on – on

eg poisson, chochon d’inde

Sit down please.

Asseyez vous s’il vous plait


Stand up please.

Levez vous s’il vous plait


Put up your hand.

Levez la main



C’est super!

C’est excellent!

C’est fantastique!

Year 5


Level 3

Numbers to 50


Days of the week


I am…….

Je suis…….


Very well

 tres bien




Tous excite




What is your name….?


Comment tu t’appelles?




 and  - et

but - mais


Do you like….?

 Tu aimes……?


Do you have……?

Tu as…..


Connective ‘and’ – et

I have a black cat and he/she is …..

J’ai un chat noir et il /elle est….


I have a black cat and he/she has……

J’ai un chat noir et il / elle a….


Connective ‘but’


I like chocolate but I don’t like cheese.

J’aime le chocolat mais Je n’aime pas le fromage.

Speaking emphasis moves onto more complex sentences but also on asking questions.


Writing in sentences with scaffolds and supports.


Do you understand?

Tu comprends?

Vous comprenez?



Write your names:

Ecrivez vos noms


In French please:

En Francais, s’il vous plait



I don’t understand!

Je ne comprends pas

Year 6


Level 4

Numbers to 100


Months of the year


How old are you?

Quel age as tu?




Because – parce que


Start using dictionary for additional vocabulary.



Learn a range of verbs appropriate to different units.


He/she is not…….

Il/elle n’est pas…………


He/she does not have…..

Il / elle n’a pas………


Present tense:

Je mange.

Il / Elle mange…


Past tense:

J’ais mange…..

Il / elle mange…

Writing simple and complex sentences  independently.


Please read:

Lisez s’il vous plait.


Get started:




Please – s’il vous plait


Thank you  - merci


I don’t know

Je ne sais pas.