Life in the twenty-first century demands a high degree of skill, confidence and familiarity with using a wide range of computer applications. We endeavour to encourage, nurture and promote this knowledge and understanding through a rich and broad Computing curriculum.
Each classroom is equipped with a range of exciting technologies, such as interactive touch-screen white boards and visualisers. KS1 classrooms each have a set of 6 i-Pads, year 3 have a set of 30 ipads per class and each class in years 4, 5 and 6 have a class set of chrome books, which all help to stimulate the best possible learning from the children. This technology allows children to bring individual access to digital cameras, video software, the internet and online materials into the classroom or even outdoor environments.
In EYFS, children use a variety of technology throughout the day and get to explore the technology around them. KS1 use BeeBots to help them learn about simple programming in a practical and fun way and children in KS2 children use Scratch to learn these skills.Throughout KS1 and 2, we follow the Teach Computing Scheme of work which we believe provides a comprehensive coverage of the computing curriculum in ways that are meaningful to the children. We believe that the use of ICT to support the curriculum motivates pupils and facilitates a greater range of learning outcomes.
In addition we use Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots – pupils are encouraged to practise their mental maths skills on these sites to earn individual awards and certificates or to enter into interclass competitions.
E-Safety at Fair Furlong Primary School
The internet is a fantastic place overflowing with knowledge, games and communities of people, and, just like pupils across the country, the pupils here at Fair Furlong Primary School spend a great deal of time using the internet within school and at home. This is why it is so important our pupils learn how to be safe when browsing online and becoming members of online communities.
One way to make browsing the internet safer at home is to use a 'safe search' search engine. At school we are encouraging the children to use ‘Swiggle’ which automatically takes them to child friendly web sites, with information presented in a way the children will understand.
We also encourage parents to set up filtering on their home internet. To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the text below.
Setting up internet filtering and parental controls
We also suggest parents visit the website link below for up to date information on Facebook privacy settings, as whilst we know that no children under the age of 13 should be on Facebook, if they are then they should be educated as to how to ensure they are safe.
In school, children learn about E-Safety through a scheme of lessons taught at the beginning of term, as well as through assemblies and as part of anti-bullying week. We also encourage parents/carers to talk to their children about how to behave safety when online, to ensure pupils remain safe when browsing at home.
Our children know to report any inappropriate content, contact or conduct they encounter online to CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) by visiting this page and clicking our report button below.
CEOP also has a great website of information on E-Safety for parents. Please click the link below to visit the page.
The websites below provide excellent clear guidance for children about E-Safety in a fun and informative way:
This link for KS1
This link for KS2