
At Fair Furlong, we are determined to inspire and educate the children about the diverse nature of the world in which we live. Through engaging topics and hands-on experience, children are given many opportunities to explore key geographical concepts and develop a clear understanding of their place in the world. Children will initially learn about themselves and their immediate environment, including their home, school and local area. As they progress through the school they will gain more in-depth knowledge of the wider world, learn about a broader range of places and cultures and begin to compare and contrast regions, countries and continents.

We ensure that geographical skills and fieldwork are taught alongside meaningful vocabulary, enabling our children to make sense of the world as they investigate change and development. Children will also learn to identify human and physical features of the world and explore ethical and environmental issues including fair trade and sustainability. Resources such as globes, maps and online sources of information, in addition to exciting trips and visitors are used to enhance children’s skills, encourage their desire to learn and to secure their understanding of place and location.