YEAR 6 - Gaiman and Kerr

Term 1 

This term, Year 6’s topic has been Rainforest. Our key question was, ‘Is it worth saving the rainforest?’, as a part of this question we have researched the production of palm oil and have written a discussion text to explore whether it is a problem or not. We have also used a video clip from The Jungle Book to write a mystery story, in which we focused on writing settings in narratives.

Our first term of maths has seen the children exploring the numbers to ten million, refining their addition and subtraction skill as well as honing their arithmetic skills.

In foundation subjects, the children have reviewed their understanding of continents and where we can find rainforests around the world.

Term 2

This term, Year 6’s topic has been World War 2. Our key question was, ‘What would have happened to me in WW2?’ As part of our writing unit, the children created formal letters on children being evacuated, and the Ultimatum Letter Sir Neville Chamberlain sent to Hitler.

In math, the children focused numbers to 10,000,000 and began to look deeper in to area, perimeter and volume.

In our foundation subjects, the children studied the history of the war using independent research and applied this in their writing.

The children also went to the Aerospace Museum where they took part in a workshop in creating periscopes, they also soaked up the history behind what part Bristol played in the WW2’s British Airforce getting to see real planes from the past and even old German bombs. Additionally, the children got to see the Concorde which they were most definitely awe struck with the scale of this fantastic machine.

Term 3

This term, Year 6’s topic has been Electricity. Our key question was, ‘How is our life powered?’ As part of our writing unit the children used the story of Frankenstein’s Monster to produce a series of diary entries leading up to the grim creation. We have been focusing on our ability to influence the reader and the children have shown a flair for horror writing.

In maths, we have covered comparing fractions, decimals and percentage. The children used their prior knowledge and impressed all of the year 6 adults!

In our foundation subjects, the children studied the components of electrical circuits and even made their own torches.

On top of this, the children have completed mock SAT’s tests and showed great resilience: we are extremely proud.

Term 4

This term, Year 6’s topic has been Polar Exploration. As part of our writing unit, the children re-created the story of Ice Trap using some great descriptive language to re tell the story of Shackleton and his mission to save his stranded crew. They also prepared non-chronological reports about the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration, in which Scoot and Amunsden raced to the South Pole.

In maths, we have covered ratio, angles and converting measure. The children have been working extremely hard in order to gather as many strategies as they can before SAT’s test and we are very proud of them

In our foundation subjects, the children studied the Polar Regions and learnt the similarities and differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic, as well as amassing a huge amount of knowledge about the Antarctic regions.

Term 5

What have we been learning?
This term, Year six have been learning all about evolution and how the Earth has evolved over time.

We have written adventure stories based on our text for the term, Darwin’s dragons. The children immersed themselves in the story and innovated it to write their own version, based in a different setting and with a different dangerous species.

In science, we explored evolution and inheritance and took a closer look at DNA. We also examined the insulative properties of materials using our scientific skills of observation and analysis.

After much hard work, we have finally completed SAT’s testing. The children worked incredibly hard and handled the pressure admirably. It was a difficult, but rewarding week and we hope the children have done well- regardless of results, they should all be very proud of themselves.

Term 1 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Overview 

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Overview

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Overview

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Overview

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 6 Overview