YEAR 4 : Wilson and Zephaniah

Term 1

In Year 4, we have been exploring the question ‘What are the climate zones and how do they impact their inhabitants?’ In literacy, we have retold the text ‘Hodgeheg’ by D. King Smith. We innovated the story changing the character and setting. We then went on to writing non-chronological report about different climate zones.

In maths, the children enjoyed exploring place value up to 10,000 including the formal methods of addition and subtraction. In the wider curriculum, we have been learning about the different climate zones thinking about the animals, plants and people who live there. In DT, we have researched, designed and made money containers. Finally, in PE, we have been improved our skills in basketball!

Term 2

In Year 4, we have been exploring the question 'Is the water we drink today the same water that Dinosaurs drank millions of years ago?' We have been learning all about the water cycle and exploring various different states of matters. The children have enjoyed taking part in a range of different science experiments.  In literacy, we have been exploring the icy world of Starjik, which included solving the mystery of the missing boy and inventing a different ending to the story the 'Ice Palace'. We have also been studying discussion texts including whether we should wear school uniform to school or not. The children enjoyed exploring different people's views and opinions.

During maths, we have been learning how to find the perimeter of quadrilaterals. They have also been focusing on learning their tables up to 10X10 and looking at the relationships between them. Using these skills, they have been solving problems in context. In P.E, we completed a yoga unit where the children have been learning about how breathing and physical movement can help up to express ourselves. They have also enjoyed swimming and learning new techniques and skills. The children finished the topic creating an eight-pose sequence. Finally, in D.T, we learned about heathy eating and the importance of a balanced diet in which they created a winter stew.


Term 3

In Year 4, we have been exploring the question “What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?' We have been learning all about the digestive system, human teeth and their functions and exploring food chains. The children have enjoyed creating their own Greek pots using mod roc and then painting them.  In literacy, we have been exploring a variety of Greek Myths such as Theseus and the Minotaur. The children wrote their own script versions adapting the settings and characters to make it their own. We have been focused on including subordinating conjunctions and using stage directions to portray feelings in our writing. We have also been studying the poems of Roald Dahl in his book ‘Dirty beasts!’ and writing our own versions based on our favourite animals.

During Maths, we have been focusing on understanding and manipulating multiplicative relationships. They have also been focusing on learning their tables up to 10X10 and looking at the relationships between them. Using these skills, they have been solving problems in context. In P.E, the children have been developing their tennis and dance skills with our PE coaches. Finally, in computing we have been focusing on programming, learning how to write algorithms. The children have particularly enjoyed applying this new skill. 


Term 4

In Year 4, we have been exploring the question, ‘Does the light stay on when the fridge door is closed?' We have been learning all about where electricity is sourced from, the safety precautions we need to take when working with electricity and have designed and created their own circuits. In literacy, we have been writing adventure stories based on the novel ‘Electrigirl’ by Jo Cotterill which the children have very much enjoyed. 

In maths, the children started the term by learning about plotting co-ordinates on a graph. They then moved on to looking at different fractions and learning how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions. They have been learning how to add fraction with like denominators and using their knowledge of both mixed numbers and improper fractions to add two numbers. In Science, the children have been learning about how electricity is created and how it travels through the wires into our appliances.

In P.E, the children have been developing their skills in gymnastics through different rolls, jumps and shapes. Finally, in DT, the children designed and created a buzzer game bringing together the learning from science and applying it to product design.

Term 5
In Year 4, we have been exploring the question, how would my life be different if I lived in ancient Pompeii?’ We have been learning all about the Romans invading Britain, how they lived and the things they left behind. We enjoyed an exciting Ancient Roman day on the last day of term. The children were put through their paces by a Roman Centurion and practiced marching in formation. In Literacy, we have been writing historical based diary entries as survivors of Pompeii and written news reports for an auto-cue.

In Geography we learned about volcanoes, where they are in the world and how they erupt. In science we were investigating sound and how it travels. We performed some fascinating experiments and were shocked by some of the results.

In Maths, the children started the term by completing the unit on mixed numbers and improper fractions. We then moved onto symmetry and had a quick revision of the four operations before our tests at the end of this term.

In P.E, the children worked hard to complete an athletics unit and went Swimming.

Term 1 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Overview

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Overview

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Overview

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 6 Overview