YEAR 2 : Jeffers and Rosen

Term 1

This term, all of our learning has been around animals and habitats. We have written about a wombat’s day, an adventure story and advertising for a new habitat. Our topic has looked at exploring the question ‘Where is the most suitable place for a tiger to live?’. To answer this we looked at animal habitats, micro-habitats and the food chain. In maths, we have learnt all about place value and the composition of numbers. In PE we created beautiful dances and in RE we have discussed what Jesus teaches people about kindness.





Term 2

What have we been learning?

Our learning has been around the world and our big question – How can we find out about continents and oceans. We looked at the oceans, continents, United Kingdom and features. In literacy, we used the book called ‘Rough-Face Girl’ to inspire our writing. In maths, we have been working on adding and subtracting through the ten with numbers up to 100. We’ve also started to learn the basics of multiplications. We have also become experts at taking photographs in computing. Finally, we also learned how to sew using a running stitch.






Term 3

All our learning has been around how animals stay healthy, answering our question – What keeps animals and people going? We recapped what animals need to survive then moved onto nutrition, exercise and hygiene. In literacy, we wrote our own ‘Little Red’ traditional tales and wrote a recount of some fun activities in the playground. In maths, we have been working hard on learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We ended the term with a day focused around being safe online and also learned to prepare fruits smoothies!

We have introduced Year 2 to Times Table Rockstars this term, which will support them in learning their times tables but please still encourage them to use Numbots too!

We also had an exciting day learning all about Spanish culture!





Term 4

This term, we have enjoyed exploring our key question: What is life like for a child living in Bristol compared to a child living in Chembakolli (India)? We have compared the physical features of these places, learning some great new geographical vocabulary and using aerial pictures and Google Earth to help our research. We also learned about the similarities and differences with our houses, climate, transport, school, toys and games.

In maths, we have introduced division, shapes and additions with two digits’ numbers. In computing, we have looked at data and pictograms!

In art, we practised different drawing techniques and printed patterns.

Term 5

What have we been learning?  Our learning has quite literally taken off this term as we have been on an incredible journey exploring the question: How did Bristol fill the sky?  We have learnt about significant events in Bristol by looking at the building of Concorde, the Wright Brother’s first flight and hot air balloons. This was all supported by our great trip to Bristol Aerospace.

We enjoyed some super experiments launching planes at Bristol Aerospace and making paper airplanes in class. Through all of this, the children wrote really creative stories inspired by the Great Balloon Hullaballo and then had a go at writing a variety of texts.

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 1 Overview

Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Overview

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Overview

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Overview

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 6 Overview