YEAR 1 : Hughes and Waddell

Term 1
What have we been learning?
This term we have been learning about animals and have looked at different animal groups. The children have been identifying amphibians, mammals, reptiles, birds, invertebrates and fish. In literacy, we have looked at lists, labels and captions, learning an autumn poem as well as learning our story ‘Tiny Little Fly’. In maths, we have practised lots of pattern recognition, as well as counting to and from 100. We have had lots of fun counting 100 cheerios, cubes, pasta and straws! In art we have been printing in different ways and have made some art in the style of Andy Warhol.

Home Learning
Reading – Please read with your child four times a week. We celebrate High Flying Readers every Friday.

Numbots – Practise playing on Numbots for 5 mins a day.

Spelling: Practise reading and writing the common exception words we have sent home.

Term 2

What have we been learning?
This term we have been answering the question “How different is my childhood to that of my grandparents?” We even had special visitors who we asked lots of questions and loved learning about what toys and school was like when they were our age. In literacy, we looked at Dogger by Shirley Hughes, and then tweaked the story to make it our own. No Pens Wednesday was great fun exploring oral story-telling and playing pelmanism. In maths, we’ve been learning about part-whole models and have recently begun to look at 2D and 3D shapes. We have explored shapes and patterns through tangrams and in a festive way! In P.E. we have enjoyed learning about gymnastics - making and performing our own gymnastics routine! During science we looked at the human body and enjoyed finding out all about bones and joints. Finally, we enjoyed lots of Christmas crafts and fun. The highlight was collaborating with older children to make our Christmas decorations.

A huge well done to all the children who worked phenomenally hard to put on an excellent nativity for all the adults who were able to come. We are all very proud of all their hard work, and thankful for the adults at home who sorted costumes or helped their children learn lines. We hope you enjoyed the performance as much as we did!

Home learning:
Please continue to read at least 4 times a week with your children - we will continue to celebrate our ‘High Flying Readers’ weekly.

Keep an eye out for any phonic gaps or common exception words to practice.

Keep practicing on Numbots – up to 5 minutes a day is all that’s recommended.

Term 3

What have we been learning?
The children have been very busy this term learning all about ‘The Great Fire of London’.  We travelled back in time to 1666 to learn about how the fire started, the houses and their design and how the fire affected Tudor London. In Literacy we learnt and performed out class story - ‘Vlad and The Great Fire of London. Then we used our super sentences and sounding out to write the story. We even changed our characters and some of the events to make it our own. Finally, we used all of our fabulous facts to write non-fiction texts – including bullet points, captions and ‘Did you know…’ facts. We had all sorts of great writing.

The children have produced amazing work in mathematics; exploring numbers to 100, investigating odd and even numbers, as well as naming and describing 2D and 3D shapes. We have also begun to write equations using addition and subtraction symbols, often using ‘first, then, now’ stories to relate equations to real life contexts.

In our P.E. lessons we’ve been learning to dance through a count of 8 and linking that to our music where we learnt about crotchets (a frog!), quavers (monkey) and a semi-quaver (alligator) and even used those to compose our own piece. In our art lessons, we produced our own collages by cutting and ripping different types of materials.

Well done Year 1 we are extremely proud of you!

Home learning:
Please continue to read at least 4 times a week with your children - we will continue to celebrate our ‘High Flying Readers’ weekly.

Keep an eye out for any phonic gaps or common exception words to practice. We often write these down in your child’s reading diary!

Keep practicing on Numbots – up to 5 minutes a day is all that’s recommended. 

Term 4
This term we have been exploring the question “why is weather wonderful?”. In geography and science, the children have been learning about the weather we can expect in all four seasons. We were very fortunate to have a visit in school from the explorer dome. Whilst in the inflatable dome, we took part in experiments, became camouflaged to avoid predators and even got rained on!

In literacy, we have been basing our learning around a book called ‘Big Rain Coming’, set in Australia. We used pictures from the story to help us retell the story – more recently the children have enjoyed learning about kangaroos and hedgehogs through non-chronological reports!

The children have produced wonderful work in maths, looking this term at adding and subtracting numbers within 10. We’ve learnt how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and even begun to write full number sentences to represent ‘first, then, now’ stories.

This term we’ve also enjoyed World Book Day. In WBD, we learnt, rehearsed and performed a poem! We also made a stop-motion video to go with it – this can all be viewed on our virtual library via our e-library! 

In P.E. we have begun to learn how to use space and pass the ball in invasion games. We’re hoping the weather is better next term so we can continue to do more of our learning outside!

Well done Year 1 we are extremely proud of you!

Term 5

Term 1 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Overview




Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Overview




Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Overview




Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Overview

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 6 Overview