Welcome to Explorers and Creators classes

On this page you will find links and videos to help you, play, learn and have fun at home. We hope you enjoy them! Don't forget we love finding out what you have been doing at home so please email us at nursery2031@fairfurlong.bristol.sch.uk.
Keep your eye out for our home learning tasks which are fun little challenges for you to complete together at home. Don't forget to sing lots, share stories together and most of all have fun playing together at home!
Mrs Britton and Miss Durbin and the Nursery Team 
Nursery rhymes:
Being active:
Numbers and counting:
Sharing stories

Term 1 

We have had a wonderful start to our year in the Nursery! We have settled in really well, made new friends, learnt to follow new routines and had so much fun learning through play. We have all explored the classroom and outdoor areas, creating games, investigating resources, building, cooking, making and enjoying!

We have been looking for signs of autumn, collecting leaves, painting leaves and spider web spotting. We have enjoyed singing along to lots of new songs such as Bread and Butter, Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow, learning actions and Makaton signs. What a super first term Nursery!

Term 3

What fun we have had in Nursery this term! We have been learning all about farm animals and wild animals too. We watched closely as all 10 of our chickens hatched. We held them carefully, learnt how to feed them kept their box clean. We identified which were male (the yellow chicks) and female (the orange chicks) and then they went to their new homes. We enjoyed retelling our story ‘Dear Zoo’ using Makaton and expression in our voices. We have enjoyed investigating the forest more, we made bird nests, bird feeders and searched for lots of worms. We have been looking for signs of Spring. We had a fabulous Spanish day and even flew to Spain on our own plane.



Term 5
What busy bugs we have been this term! We loved learning all about a wide range of minibeasts and searching carefully to find some in the forest and the Early Years Garden. In the classroom, we were fascinated by the little caterpillars that arrived. We watched them as they became chrysalises and then emerged as beautiful butterflies! We read the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and enjoyed tasting many of the fruits from the book. The sunny days have brought lots of fun outdoors, creating feasts in the mud kitchen, water painting and obstacle course building. We had a fantastic time at our super ‘Bug Ball’, dressing up together, dancing and playing games!

Term 2

What a busy term in Nursery! Term 2 has been full of playing, exploring and learning, it has been lots of fun! We have been investigating colour, learning the Makaton signs for each colour, mixing colours and investigating shadows and tones. ‘The Colour Monster’ has been a fabulous story to explore, thinking about how colours help us with our feelings. We had a ‘Rainbow Day’ and wore our favourite colour. We have also enjoyed learning about different shapes, making shadows with them too! At Christmas time we have enjoyed learning some new Christmas songs and we loved singing them with our parents! We enjoyed decorating our tree together and making Christmas treats!

Term 4
Well what a busy term in Nursery, we have all grown so much and become so much more confident! We have been learning all about the different ways we move around the world, we found out about cars and ramps, bikes and boats and even planes and helicopters.

We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite characters, we learnt all about the book, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,’ our grown ups even dressed up as bears!

We have been searching for signs of spring, digging and looking for bugs too, building ramps for cars and practicing our tree climbing skills. We have been climbing trees and looking for nests in the trees, we have been watching the trees grow with new shoots and buds. We had a brilliant Easter bonnet parade with lots of fabulous home-made bonnets and hats.

Term 2 Overview

Term 5 Overview

Term 3 Overview

Term 6 Overview

Term 4 Overview