Welcome to Edinburgh class

Did you know?....Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. It is home to three royal palaces, Edinburgh castle, Holyrood Palace and Craigmillar Castle, but only Holyrood Palace is still used by the Queen!

Two of Edinburgh’s most well-known sites are built on top of volcanoes! Over 340 million years ago, volcanic eruptions created Castle Rock. Edinburgh Castle now sits on top of this extinct volcano.

Arthur’s Seat is actually a dormant volcano, although it hasn’t erupted in hundreds of millions of years.

Hopefully you will find this page useful to find out about what we are learning each term, see some examples and read our year group newsletter. Also below you can find the link to the Google Classroom log in page, which once logged in you will be able to access all the learning for the week, including the weekly homework.


Term 6

Our topic this term has been ‘Why were the pyramids built in Egypt?’ We discovered the process of mummification. We practised writing in hieroglyphics and we made Canopic jars. In literacy, we wrote adventure stories and in maths, we started practising how to tell the time. In science, we completed an investigation to see which biscuit was the most dunk-able. Ask your children which biscuit won!

We finally went on a school trip to Dundry Hill. The children sketched the landscape and we went on a lovely walk, exploring the nature. The children enjoyed our History week, learning all about life during Ancient Egypt.

In our computing lessons, we learned about simulations and found out how to make graphs on a computer. In music, we have improved our singing skills, preparing for the end of term singing assembly. In RE, we have learned about the significance of the river Ganges to Hindus.

Well done year 3 for an incredibly hard working year.

Term 5

Our topic this term has been ‘How do we see things?’. Over the course of Term 5, we have explored how poets communicate their vision of the world through words and we had a go at describing memories of our own in the form of poems. In science, we have investigated the difference between light and dark and how light can be reflected from certain surfaces.

In week 2, an alien space-ship was found just outside the Year 3 classrooms. We were asked to report on this by Mr Lang and we were even visited by a strange alien three times! Year 3 wrote some fantastic newspaper reports and published some of these in the school newsletter.

In our computing lessons we have been learning how to use coordinates and create functions using spreadsheets. Our music lessons have been based around playing glockenspiels and xylophones as an ensemble and we’ve had lots of fun experimenting with this! We have also learned about the god ‘Brahman’ and how Hindus believe that can take many forms at once.

Term 4

This term Year 3 have been basing our learning on the question ‘What Holds Our Body Together?’. We have explored the different bones of the skeleton, how these are connected by different types of joints and how they are moved by skeletal muscles. We have also compared our skeletons with those of other creatures. To compliment this, we have written exercise instructions as part of our literacy and plotted some of our body measurements in bar charts as part our maths.

We have also started tracking our daily activity with MOKI fitness trackers. It’s been really fun to challenge our classmates!

Term 3
Term 3 has been a difficult one for many of us, but we have all risen to the challenge successfully. Almost everyone who is learning remotely has managed to connect and engage with the learning that has been set on Google Classroom. We have been blown away by the efforts of some children working from home.

In school, we have also been working hard and we have particularly enjoyed linking in with our friends at home during live teaching sessions. We have found it strange without the usual hustle and bustle of a full school and lots of children have expressed how much they’re looking forward to seeing all of their classmates again.

For our topics, Year 3 have been discovering the mysterious powers of magnets through investigations. We have learned about attracting and repelling forces and the fact that magnets can work at a distance.

Finally, we have also been researching about similarities and differences between the UK and France in our geography lessons. We have discovered the locations of cities, mountain ranges and coastlines using atlases and we even interviewed Mrs Chasson’s, niece living near Paris, via Skype! It was amazing to hear someone native speaking French!


Term 2
This term, Year 3 have been learning all about life in prehistoric Britain. We kicked off the term with an exciting ‘Stone-age Day’ and wrote time-slip stories linked to our experiences. Alongside this, we have studied the different categories of rocks in our science lessons. We’ve had a record number of ‘cool finds’ coming in, demonstrating sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks brilliantly! Some children even completed a challenge of visiting a ‘secret’ location with their families to find some rare Obsidian!

Towards the end of term, Year 3 showed excellent perseverance by completing our DT challenge – making a working catapult using rubber bands and lolly sticks. Some of the finished versions can be seen below.

Term 1
This term we have been basing our learning around the book ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers. We have been investigating the area around where we live using maps and compass points in Geography. In Science we learned about the anatomy of plants and designed an observational study into what conditions seeds need to germinate and grow properly.

|Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Term 6 Newsletter

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 6 Overview

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Overview

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Overview

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Overview

Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Overview